Vodka Ginger Fizz

Vodka Ginger Fizz

London England

Happy 2016! I can’t wait to share with you my holiday recap post; we hit 9 states (some multiple times) in 13 days!

Our first stop was my mom’s place in North Carolina. She lives right on the water, which makes up for how tiny the town is. I’m used to living in large cities so don’t know what to do with myself when I’m not surrounded by constant activity options, but it does allow us to have a lot of family time, which is nice since she’s just been back in America for about a year.

We like to make drinks, play games, watch movies, and catch up on life. We’re all a huge fan of ginger so when I saw my mom had a new ginger liqueur, I was excited to play around with it. This was my favorite combo!

Vodka Ginger Fizz

  • 1.5 oz vodka
  • 1.5 oz ginger liqueur
  • Diet tonic
  • 1/8 fresh lemon wedge

Vodka Ginger Fizz

If you’re cutting down on sugar, I’d suggest substituting the tonic water for soda water. If you’re not a huge fizz fan, I’d suggest either cranberry juice or lemonade!

Vodka Ginger Fizz

3 questions for you:

  1. Did you travel over the holidays?
  2. What’s your favorite mixed drink?
  3. Did you make any New Years resolutions?

1 Comment

  • Reply Feel Good Friday; vol. 16 February 5, 2016 at 7:08 am

    […] Vodka Ginger Fizz Recipe […]

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