- Category: Lunch -

Lunch, Recipe Box, Sides, Snacking, Sweet Tooth

Healthy Snacking!

I love snacking. I snack all throughout the day. The key to snacking is keeping it healthy! Throughout this week, I have tried to keep track of a few of my favorite snacks to give others ideas of how to snack smart! What I eat when dinner isn’t for another 2 hours: Celery is great because you can top it with so many different toppings to keep it interesting! Here, I have celery topped with Roasted Garlic Hummus – Peanut Butter and Ground Cinnamon – Peanut Butter, Cinnamon, and Low-Sugar Grape Jelly – Peanut Butter, Cinnamon, and Slivered Almonds. What I eat when I have a sweet tooth before bed: Here, I have a cup of Low-Fat Vanilla Bean Yogurt, ½ of a Fresh Peach, and some Frozen Dark Chocolate Chips. What I eat…

Dinner, Lunch, Recipe Box

Spaghetti Squash Primavera! Guilt-Free “Pasta” Night

Spaghetti Squash Primavera

I’m a big lover of spaghetti squash. I’m actually a huge lover of all vegetables. Dj, on the other hand, was a little apprehensive when I told him I was experimenting with a pasta dish, that was actually pasta-free. He kept looking at me with nervous eyes as I walked around the kitchen saying, “But what if I don’t like it…” (Then you can eat something else). “But… wait… you’re using squash instead of noodles…?” (Yes, and it’s freaking delicious). After taking his first bite, however, he jumped right on the Spaghetti-Squash-Loving-Bandwagon.. he even went back for seconds! He even asked me a few times if it was actually healthy because it tasted that good. SO! If you are trying to sneak more vegetables into your diet, your children’s diets, or in my case,…

Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch, Recipe Box, Sides, Sweet Tooth

Meals To Warm You Up!

Now that there is a Polar Vortex taking over America, leaving your house to brace the cold isn’t on everyones top priorities. I thought to make meal prep a little easier while we all wait for the snow and cold temperatures to end, I would compile a short list of my favorite, quick recipes to warm you up! Simply click on the recipe name to bring you to the specific recipe. :) Zesty Fiesta Soup Cupcake Omelets  63 Calorie Peanut Butter Brownies Hearty Fall Soup Roasted Butternut Squash- Two Ways! Stay warm, everyone! Xo

Dinner, Lunch, My Life, Recipe Box, Sides, Snacking, Travel Adventures

Skinny Crispy Sodium-Free French Fries!

First of all, I want to thank Taralynn for showcasing me in her new blog! Taralynn is a big inspiration to me, so I was glowing for days! :) This past week was consumed of packing, driving, more packing, coffee, more driving, unpacking, caffeine overloads, and seeing about 7 states in a matter of 16 hours. However, I have officially made it to Jacksonville, Florida!! My new home. Once I left, Morgantown was pounded with another foot of snow, and I was down here, sweating in 80 degree weather. Its been a crazy, surreal change, but I am embracing this new adventure and chapter in my life! This is our living room… you can hardly see the floor right now! Everything is covered in boxes! Dj starts his job this coming Monday, so I…

Dinner, Lunch, Recipe Box, Sides, Tailgating Must-Haves

Light Shredded Chicken Tacos with Seasoned Sweet Potato Crisps

Having all my friends over to eat and catch up is one of my favorite evenings. Tacos are an easy crowd pleaser, so now that everyone is back in town after the holidays, I invited some of my friends over for a healthy, tasty taco night! I hadn’t made crockpot shredded chicken before, but this recipe is a keeper for sure! Dj and his best friend, Brennan, ate at least 6 soft tacos each… they kept saying, “I’m so full, but these are SO GOOD! I can’t stop!” So, I have moved this recipe in my ‘keep’ box for the future. :) This recipe is also really simple. It only takes 3 ingredients! Yes, you heard correctly, 3! You need: *6 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, 1 Jar of Salsa *1 Package of Low Sodium…

Breakfast, Dinner, Drinks, Holiday Eats, Lunch, Recipe Box

Open Faced Turkey, Guacamole, Steamed Egg Sandwich!

Guys…. I have one more paper due and then I am officially done with my undergraduate degree. I’m going to pause to take that in for a moment. Time has really flown! It’s also extremely overwhelming because I have no idea where I will be 1-2 months from now, but it’s extremely exciting at the same time. Dj had an interview in California for an aerospace engineering job this past week and is flying to Florida in a few days to take on another! Exciting times for all of us. :) Anyways, I want to apologize again for the lack of activity lately! Since it is finals week, my life consisted of coffee, coffee, and more coffee. ;) Not much to blog about there! Except the fact that Starbucks has those adorable red cups…

Dinner, Eating Out, Lunch, My Life, Recipe Box, Sides, Travel Adventures

Airport Travels. Goodbye, Philly and Helllllo, Southern California!

I have officially made it to Southern California! I landed late last night and was welcomed by warm weather and palm trees. I’ve missed this! Travel days are long and boring. I had a 5 hour flight, followed by a 2 hour layover, followed by another 1 hour flight, so when I finally reached baggage claim I wanted to kiss the ground and do a dance.. (don’t worry, I only thought about doing that)! Traveling can pose a lot of problems for food. I didn’t want to risk eating what they had on the airplane, so before my first flight, I stopped by this quick sandwich and salad place called Green Leaf’s. I was surprised at how fresh and good their options were! I did their “Build Your Own” salad option. I chose: *Mixed…

Dinner, Dressings & Marinades, Friends & Family, Lunch, My Life, Recipe Box, Sides, Travel Adventures

Post Workout Salads & Philly!

Happy Monday! I’m currently people watching in the Philadelphia International Airport waiting to board my flight to California! Airports and traveling are something that I’m used to, so flying doesn’t bother me. However, the sweet lady sitting next to me has so much perfume on that it’s hard to breathe, so if that is my biggest issue at the moment, I guess I’m good! This week I went to visit DJ’s family in Philadelphia with him. West Virginia has a 10 day Thanksgiving break so I was able to split it up between time with his family as well as my own! Yesterday we went into the city to see the sites. I hadn’t seen them before, and I was pleasantly surprised at just how pretty the area around the historical sites really are!…