Post Workout Salads & Philly!


Happy Monday! I’m currently people watching in the Philadelphia International Airport waiting to board my flight to California! Airports and traveling are something that I’m used to, so flying doesn’t bother me. However, the sweet lady sitting next to me has so much perfume on that it’s hard to breathe, so if that is my biggest issue at the moment, I guess I’m good!

This week I went to visit DJ’s family in Philadelphia with him. West Virginia has a 10 day Thanksgiving break so I was able to split it up between time with his family as well as my own!

Yesterday we went into the city to see the sites. I hadn’t seen them before, and I was pleasantly surprised at just how pretty the area around the historical sites really are!

Pictured above is the sunset from last night. I love sunsets, as I’m sure you can tell from past posts.. 🙂



The sky was so clear and the sun was shining! The only problem was the wind was SO crazy that it made it freeeeeezing. Bundling up was a must!

Above is Dj and I at the Liberty Bell!


While waiting to tour Independence Hall, where they signed the U.S. Constitution, Dj’s twin sister (Cassie) and I played in the leaves. I love fall time!

Of course while we were down there I had to try a real Philly cheesesteak. It was pretty good!

I made a magical salad the other day and ate it after a workout. It was a perfect post-workout meal!


This salad had:

*Mixed greens *fresh strawberries *1 hard boiled egg *2 egg whites *½ avocado *a few pretzel sticks & croutons *pepper *2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese*

Using cottage cheese as a substitute for dressing is amazing! I highly recommend it.

Have a great Monday!

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