- Category: My Life -

Book Reviews, My Life

What I’m Reading- “The Giver” Review

You can Buy the book here! This month is pretty hectic for everyone, so it’s not too surprising that I haven’t found much time to read. My last book review was a little over a month ago, which was not my goal! One the craziness of the holidays die down, I think the goal of reading 2 books a month will be more doable. If you’re looking for a book that is an easy read but interesting, The Giver by Luis Lowry would be a great one. I know many people who have read this book in school, but I never did. Since it is so well-known and just recently a major film, I wanted to give it a shot. Overall, I enjoyed this story. I was able to finish it on my 5 hour flight…

Eating Out, Friends & Family, JAXplore, My Life, Travel Adventures

#TreatYourSelfSunday- Another Broken Egg Cafe & Thanksgiving Weekend

I’m a big fan of brunch. I don’t know how exactly to describe the love that I have for this meal besides saying that it is probably in the top 5 favorite things I enjoy doing in life. Yes, seriously. We recently just had Another Broken Egg Cafe open up here in Jacksonville, so we thought we’d give it a try. It has now become one of my absolute favorites! Dj, Tyler, and I went right before Thanksgiving weekend. Dj and I took our friend, Kristen, when we got back (yes, we were that obsessed). I ordered an omelet called ‘Hey Lucy!’ It had avocado, breakfast chorizo, sautéed onions & green chilies with Cheddar-Jack (although I subbed goat cheese- my latest obsession). I also ordered coffee. They come in the cutest mugs! I think…

Friends & Family, My Life, Recipe Box, Sides, Snacking

Protein Packed French Onion Dip & a Baby Party!

This weekend was pretty packed of festivities (which is always a good thing!) A good friend that I work with has the most adorable daughter and she turned 1 this past week! To celebrate, she had a party at her house with snacks, games, and plenty of wine! Who knew one year old parties could be so fun? I wanted to bring something along to add to the snacks and thought a healthy, but old party favorite would be the perfect solution. I didn’t get to snap a picture when the dip and veggies were all presented well, but after pictures sometimes work better! Now you are able to see, and not need to trust me when I say that this dip was a huge hit. I was asked for the recipe by numerous…

Dinner, Lunch, My Life, Recipe Box

Turkey Veggie Stuffed Peppers- Low Carb!

The other night, I went to the gym after work, came home starving, and stared blankly into the fridge. I’m trying not to waste any food, so that means I’ve been grocery shopping less so that I don’t end up throwing out food. This was one of those times where I was in between grocery hauls and had minimal dinner options, so I had to improvise. I had thawed ground turkey, a few veggies, and that was about it. I considered pasta but I’m attempting to cut down on carbs, and then stuffed peppers came to mind! Stuffed peppers are one of those staple, easy, go-to meals. You can switch it up with what you have on hand, and I love those kinds of recipes! This recipe makes 6 peppers, but I only had…

Book Reviews, My Life

What I’m Reading: Gone Girl Review

Buy the book here! I love reading. Have you ever watched Gilmore Girls? Well, I turn into a little “green eyed monster” when thinking of Rory’s book collection. I love exploring old book stores, reading Amazon and Barnes and Noble reviews… I even enjoy the smell of books. Is that weird? Tell me I’m not alone here! Throughout college, being an English major with a concentration in Business Professional Writing & Editing, it’s safe to assume that I read. A lot. A lot, a lot. To the point that I physically could not read out of pleasure, because I simply did not have the time. I have recently talked with you guys about the downfalls of graduating from college, but this is actually the opposite. Since graduating, I have found the time to read…

Eating Out, Friends & Family, JAXplore, My Life

Miller’s Ale House

This weekend was so fun, I told Monday it could wait, but apparently it didn’t listen to me. :) Friday, Dj, Tyler, and I went to the Navy Air Show at the Naval base down here. Dj and Tyler work there, so we were able to go during the day on Friday for a “family & friends” day, which was great because there weren’t that many people there. But more on this in a post to follow later! We’re all pretty obsessed at the moment with Miller’s Ale House. The restaurant/bar is about 5 minutes from our apartment, so it’s easy and convenient. They also have great drink specials and a menu packed with variety. They have locations all over. They are mostly located in Florida, but they have a few other establishments sprinkled…

Fitness, JAXplore, My Playlists, Workout Plans

Getting Active

Since graduating from college this past December and moving to Florida, I’ve been unpleasantly surprised by the sudden change of inactivity in my life. West Virginia University has a gorgeous campus. You could (and would) walk anywhere and everywhere in that town. It was also extremely hilly, so without realizing it, you were working different muscles. Now, I need to drive to work, sit at a computer desk for 8.5 hours, drive home, watch some TV and cook dinner, then go to sleep. My activity level did a complete 180 and I can feel the difference immensely not only physically, but mentally as well. To help this, I’m finding ways to adjust my daily behavior to bring constant activity back into my life. I’ll do a separate post later on about how to bring…

Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch, My Life, Recipe Box, Snacking

I Say We Campaign For More Time in a Day…

Hi, all! So, a little something about me if you’re a recent follower; I work as a Marketing Consultant for a small start-up company in Jacksonville, Florida. Because the company is less than 5 years old, we put in countless hours during the week, as well as switch off working during the weekends. Feeling so overwhelmed with work is not really a new feeling, being that I just recently graduated college this past December, but it’s always something I find myself struggling with when it comes to meals. I’m always looking for quick fixes that I can either make to eat throughout the week or one-time meals that I can whip up in less than 20 minutes. (I do this thing where if food takes more than 20 minutes to make, I end up…