Look of the Day & and Effortless, Perfect Everyday Curls Tutorial
I have a [not so secret] love affair with my bed. When it comes to choosing to sleep an extra 15 minutes or make breakfast in the morning, I, without hesitation, choose my bed & a protein bar every.single.time.
This also comes into play when getting ready for my day each morning.
I don’t want to just throw my hair up in a ponytail and call it a day, so instead, I trick people into thinking I put a lot of time into my hair, when, in actuality, it takes me less than 5 minutes. And let me tell you, I have some really long hair.
So, for your *~*Lazy Girl Win of the Day*~* I bring you this (less than 2.5 minute) hair tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-R5ypmYYHU
Pictured above:
Jeans- American Eagle
Shoes- DSW
Top- Forever21
Jacket- Some little boutique in Paris, but you can find similar ones at Zara
Hair- I have a list of all products in the video description; enjoy!
I got my dress here from Shop Hopes!
1 Comment
[…] breakfast that lasts my throughout the work week is one of my favorite things to do. I’ve talked about my love-affair with my bed many times before, so preparing meals beforehand helps a […]