how to order the starbucks purple drink

How To Order the Starbucks Purple Drink

how to order the starbucks purple drink
When it comes to coffee, I’m not too much of a snob. As long as it has caffeine and it doesn’t taste burnt, I’m good to go. I’ve also been drinking coffee since the ripe old age of 5 (blame my grandparents) so I just generally love the taste of it.

how to order the starbucks purple drink
I love coffee so much that whenever I go to Starbucks, or any coffee shop for that matter, I don’t even think to look at the other menu items. I’m also definitely one of those people that just neeeeeeds their morning cup of joe before I can function, and not to be completely dramatic here, but I’m pretty sure part of my blood type consists of coffee to a certain degree. 😉

how to order the starbucks purple drink
So when Starbucks launched their secret rainbow drink line, I wasn’t jumping on board as quickly as the rest of the world. But, it’s been over 100 degrees here in good old Florida, so iced teas and lighter drinks have been appealing to my curious side.

Plus they are just so pretty. 

Want one for yourself? I’ve tried the pink drink and the purple drink, but prefer the purple one. I’m not the biggest fan of strawberry flavor (love the actual fruit, though) so if you do love strawberry flavored things, consider the pink! I’ll include the best way to do both so you can choose which sounds best to you. Or, you can be just like me and order both. The more the merrier in life, right? 😉

-Purple drink-

  • Passion fruit iced tea without water
  • Coconut milk
  • Sugar free vanilla syrup
  • Raspberries

-Pink drink-

  • Strawberry acai refresher without water
  • Coconut milk
  • Raspberry flavor

how to order the starbucks purple drink
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Questions for you:

  1. Are you a coffee snob?
  2. What’s your go-to coffee shop order?
  3. Have you tried a Starbucks rainbow drink?

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