Best Weekend Recipes

Did this week go by extremely slow for anyone else? I am so excited for the weekend! I don’t even have anything special planned.. which I’m actually really happy about for once.

I recently joined a gym to see if that helps motivate me (so far, mixed results). They do offer unlimited classes, though, so I’m going to try to make it to spin at 9am Sunday morning. They do it in a black light room! How cool is that? Let’s all just keep our fingers crossed I wake up and go… 🙂

When it comes to weekends, I like to keep my recipes simple and comforting. Below, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite weekend recipes & DIY projects! This weekend I’m working a lot with glitter (I promise an abundance of these posts to come). Check them out and let me know what you try! Enjoy the weekend!

[For the late sleeper..]

Three Ingredient Healthy Pancakes! 



[For that 1 pm needed caffeine pick-me-up…]

80 Calorie Starbucks Caffeine-Packed Order


[For the light, yet ever-so-satisfying lunch time cravings…]

Open Faced Turkey, Guacamole, Steamed Egg Sandwich



[For the mid-day hunger strikes…]

Protein-Packed French Onion Dip



[For when you want to impress people with your dinner skills, yet you are more about those 30 minute meals that look really time consuming…]

Spaghetti Squash Primavera



[When you realize you need to also feed your pup…]

Peanut Butter Dog Treats



[For when that sweet tooth hits you at full force…]

Baked Chocolate Peanut Butter Cinnamon Bananas



[For when you’re ready to soak in a looooong hot bath…]

Relaxing Vanilla Lavender Bath Bombs



[When you realize you’re going to need a great book recommendation to join you in that bath…]

What’s Currently on My Nightstand



[When the bath just doesn’t do it and you want to relax even more with a drink in hand…]

Apple Pie Moonshine


Pomegranate Cherry Pie Moonshine

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