"Dallas-Texas-John F-Kennedy"

A Day Trip to Dallas, Texas

"Dallas-Texas-John F-Kennedy"

downtown Dallas

I’m drawn to cities and busy streets. I love exploring new cities, getting lost in busy streets, and experiencing different walks of life. To me, the best way to learn about a different place is to just place yourself in the middle of a city and wander.

When I first moved to London, I took a tube to a random spot, got off to explore, and then attempted to find my way back by looking at the tube maps. Sure, it’s not always the quickest route, but you learn the ins and outs of a city SO quickly.

Over Labor Day weekend, Dj and I went to visit his family in Arlington, Texas. It’s about 30 minutes from Dallas and 30 minutes from Fort Worth. It’s right by the Dallas Cowboys stadium and the perfect mid-way point.

I’ll post all about our time in Fort Worth, Waco (hello, Fixer Upper fans!), and how I somehow did not burst into flames when stepping into the Cowboys stadium tour, but one of my favorite quick trips we made was to Dallas.

While it was a quick day trip, we were able to walk to streets, drive the town, and then get out and explore downtown and see where John F Kennedy was killed. Being somewhat engrossed with learning about ‘all things Kennedy’, seeing the building window, x on the street that marks where he was shot, as well as the different memorials set up around the area was incredibly fascinating. I cannot wait to go back and I’ve already started to compile a list of things to do! 

So, without being overly wordy today, I hope you enjoy some of the shots I was able to capture during our short day trip to Dallas!

"Dallas-Texas-John F-Kennedy"

downtown Dallas

"Dallas-Texas-John F-Kennedy"

downtown Dallas

"Dallas-Texas-John F-Kennedy"

downtown Dallas

"Dallas-Texas-John F-Kennedy"

downtown Dallas across from JFK’s assassination site

"Dallas-Texas-John F-Kennedy"

downtown Dallas across from JFK’s assassination site

"Dallas-Texas-John F-Kennedy"

the top window all the way to the right is where Lee Harvey Oswald fired the gun that killed JFK

"Dallas-Texas-John F-Kennedy"

The building to the left, far top right window is where Lee Harvey Oswald was. Faintly on the street, across from the light pole, you can see an ‘X’ on the road. That marks the spot that President Kennedy was shot.

"Dallas-Texas-John F-Kennedy"

Cards of sympathy left at President JFK’s memorial site.

"Dallas-Texas-John F-Kennedy"

Across from the area JFK was murdered is a memorial. Here, visitors can leave flowers, cards, and there are also tons of people who are selling magazine articles and going over conspiracy theories + events from that day. This plaque has the speech that JFK was going to deliver in Dallas the day that he was assassinated.

“We in this country, in this generation, are–by destiny rather than choice–the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of “peace on earth, good will toward men.” That must always be our goal, and the righteousness of our cause must always underlie our strength.”

(From the speech JFK was to deliver in Dallas on November 22, 1963)

-Questions for you-

  1. Have you ever been to Texas before? If so, where?
  2. What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled to?
  3. What plans do you have this month?

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