Happy 4th of July weekend, my American friends! As most of us are off this Friday, I'll make this post short & sweet. Dj is out of town visiting his family in Philly for the next two weeks, I'm smack dab in the middle of the 21 Day Fix, and I'm overly excited to be having a looooooooong weekend! Are you getting into anything exciting? Last year, my old roomie//bestie Sara came to visit and we hung out all day on the beach. This year will be much different, but I'm still planning on having a good time. ;) Whatever you get into, be safe and have a blast! A man waking up from surgery and seeing his wife again will give you all the feels. This simplistic ombre nail tutorial is something I’ll…
- Category: Link Love -
Weekend, I love you! After last week's festivities, I'm excited for a relaxing weekend. My plans consist of going to a restaurant/bar for the USA Women's soccer game tonight then a going away hangout for a friend/coworker on Saturday night. Sunday will consist of grilling out by the pool. :) Do you have any weekend activities planned? Only a few hours stand between you & the weekend! You can do it ;) Here is a little procrastination to get you through your Friday; feel free to share with me what links you've been loving on this week, as well!: Youth and seniors are bridging the cyber gap! When establishing your blog (or any business online, for that matter), image quality is key. A road trip to this epic water slide would be a perfect…
Happy FridYAY! This weekend, some of my friends from London are coming in! I'm extremely excited. I'm not sure exactly what we're going to do, but they're such a good time, it's bound to be a great weekend! Now, your Friday dose of positivity: A yoga studio in Illinois is inviting people to join a class with shelter cats, which, in turn, as created more kitty adoptions! Corgi puppies chasing a camera- I repeat- corgi puppies chasing a camera! Professor Snape on helium! I will definitely be taste testing these 4 overnight oats recipes. There’s a theory floating around that cats are actually spies. ;) So, vodka gummy bear popsicles happened… talk about a perfect summer treat! These hilarious [but fake] interview tips will be sure to have you laughing out loud. Miss anything…
PSA: The previously known series, "Link Love" has been renamed to "Feel Good Friday". Why, you may ask? Because everyone deserves a little sunshine at the end of their workweek! [& I like to keep it positive around here ;) ] This weekend, Dj and I are headed to Amelia Island, FL! I'm really excited because I will also be ticking off #4 on my 2015 Summer Bucket List: Go horseback riding on the beach. I haven't been horseback riding since I was about 10 years old and I thought my horse was trying to kill me because it started to rest one of his legs (I'm not dramatic at all). This will definitely be an interesting adventure... Do you have any special plans this weekend? Whatever it is, I hope it's a good…
TGIF! I hope you all had a fantastic week- mine went by really slowly, which isn't always a bad thing. After last weekends lounge & happy hour fest, I'm ready for all of the activities! So far, my plans include beach volleyball, grilling out by the pool, and pretty much anything that features the sunshine. *Crosses fingers for no rain* Here is a little Friday Link Love to get you through the rest of your day before the weekend! Enjoy :) Calling all 90s girls! This will probably be the most important quiz of your life: Are you more of a Britney or Christina? This compilation video of animals thinking they’re puppies is too cute to handle! ICYMI: Caitlyn Jenner (formally Bruce Jenner), made her debut on Vanity Fair’s cover. An artist based in…
The more I share with you my week's link obsessions from around the web, the more I realize just how quickly weeks go. This week, I signed up for grad school pre-req courses, set up my masters program interview in D.C., AND drove all the way up to Richmond, VA to see my brother & family. This weekend, we're going to a 1,000 foot water slide that is covering the city of Jacksonville, a bridal show with my friend Lauren, and *hopefully* squeezing in some time to relax and give my apt some much needed TLC. What do you have planned for your weekend? In the meantime, here is a little bit of Link Love to get you through your Friday before you head out for the weekend! Buzzfeed paired up with America’s Funniest…
I can't believe another Friday is already upon us! Do you have any special plans this weekend? Dj and I are going up to my mom's in North Carolina for the long, holiday weekend. It's my brother, Chris's birthday, so we'll also be making a trip up to Richmond, VA to see him! My best friend, Amanda, will be joining in on the fun so I'll have lots to update you all on next week! Thank you, to all that have served our country! You make America a better place and I'm proud to support you. If you're new to Friday Link Love, you can find my first series here and my second one here! Basically, each Friday, you can expect a post on links of any sort that are my “Obsessions of the Week”.…
TGIF! Do you have any weekend plans? We're heading out to St. Augustine tonight & are brunching and going to a beach block party tomorrow! If you missed my last link love, you can find that HERE! As I mentioned there, each Friday, you can expect a post on links of any sort that are my “Obsessions of the Week”. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Heidi Priebe compiled a list of what each personal’s own personal hell would look like depending on their Myers-Briggs personality type. Being an ESFJ, I can validate that my given scenario would definitely psychologically kill me! Not only does this professor encourage mothers with young kids to bring them along with them instead of missing a class, but what he did when one mom got up to…