Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend

10 Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend

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Wedding season is coming. *disclaimer- I totally wrote that while thinking it in the Game of Thrones voice

Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend

But in all realness.. wedding season IS upon us… and I couldn’t be more excited.

I’m 25 years old, so my Facebook timeline right now is filled of engagement announcements with the occasional wedding + the occasional baby. I’ve figured out that social media is divided into two distinct groups of people:

  • Group A: Who hates these updates and complains at how their timelines are flooded with these huge life events
  • Group B: Who LOVE these updates and itch for more

I personally belong to Group B. Yay, love! Yay, babies! Yay, happiness! So when the engagements started happening outside of my older friends and more onto my personal friends, I found myself in a bit of a dilemma. What the heck do I get these girls to show them how happy I am at this giant moment in their lives?

After some brainstorming, trail and error, and actually asking my bride friends what gifts they received that were most helpful, I have compiled a list! And because I want to be -helpful- to all of you fellow gift givers out there, I’m choosing to share it. 🙂

So, without further ado, here is my list for 10 Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend! Of course, if you have anything to add to the list, I’d love for you to share it below in the comments! xo

Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend

  •  Help your soon-to-be bride release her inner diva + Beyoncé with this amazing tank.


Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend



Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend


Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend

Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend

Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend

Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend

Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend

Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend

  • And lastly, to keep track of how many days until the big day, this adorable chalkboard count down would be a perfect addition to any office space, bedroom, kitchen- you name it!

Gifts to Get Your Newly Engaged Friend

Questions for you:

  1. What engagement gift would you love to receive?
  2. What gift is your favorite on this list?
  3. Are you part of group A or group B?

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