Have you ever had one of those weeks that are just kind of.... blah? I have a lot going on in my life recently, both personally as well as professionally that I need to find a balance between. I'm 98% of the time an extremely positive person, but sometimes you just need some extra motivation to get yourself going. I've been playing around a lot with Photoshop and decided to create some inspiration for myself while honing in on creative skill at the same time! If you need some push for a *movement* in your life- this may just be the perfect post for you! I've compiled my top 10 quotes that I love & live by for some inspiration during these unexpected ruts. :) 1. As creator of hit shows, such as Grey's Anatomy, it…
- Category: Book Reviews -
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies..” -George R.R. Martin I’ve always loved to read. Losing yourself in a different world is how I best describe it. I’m passionate about traveling, learning about new cultures, putting myself in unthought of situations; all I can also do while engrossed in a new book. I’ve done a few book reviews [like THIS one!] or [THAT one!], but thought I would take a different approach this post. I just finished my latest novel and wasn’t that impressed with it, so without boring you with a review as slow as the book, I’m deciding to opt out of that. Then, the other day when I was catching up on one of my favorite fashion/life/decor bloggers from my hometown of Washington D.C., Katie, she did a post…
You can Buy the book here! This month is pretty hectic for everyone, so it’s not too surprising that I haven’t found much time to read. My last book review was a little over a month ago, which was not my goal! One the craziness of the holidays die down, I think the goal of reading 2 books a month will be more doable. If you’re looking for a book that is an easy read but interesting, The Giver by Luis Lowry would be a great one. I know many people who have read this book in school, but I never did. Since it is so well-known and just recently a major film, I wanted to give it a shot. Overall, I enjoyed this story. I was able to finish it on my 5 hour flight…
Buy the book here! I love reading. Have you ever watched Gilmore Girls? Well, I turn into a little “green eyed monster” when thinking of Rory’s book collection. I love exploring old book stores, reading Amazon and Barnes and Noble reviews… I even enjoy the smell of books. Is that weird? Tell me I’m not alone here! Throughout college, being an English major with a concentration in Business Professional Writing & Editing, it’s safe to assume that I read. A lot. A lot, a lot. To the point that I physically could not read out of pleasure, because I simply did not have the time. I have recently talked with you guys about the downfalls of graduating from college, but this is actually the opposite. Since graduating, I have found the time to read…